454 Starnations - Index List - Maf: Starfleet Battles

 1 7th Moon Revolutionary Party Government

2 Adian Confederation of Stars

3 Admih Stellar Republic

4 Aeqsu I Organization

5 Aetherium Dominion

6 Alasang Republic

7 Alkaczar Courts

8 Alliance of Commerce

9 Alliance of Starlight

10 Alpha Quadrant Monarchy

11 Amalgamated Planets

12 Amayottekyrne

13 Ambient Snow Princess

14 Ambresorl Manussin Stellar Republic

15 Ampersand Pirates

16 Andla Jamozer

17 Andtai Commissariat

18 Angha Zsud Monarchic Realm

19 Aoc Ret Dominion

20 Aquarian Federation

21 Aquilon Federation

22 Arcadia Union

23 Arcanum Trails

24 Archeopolis

25 ArcKed Republic

26 Aruntha

27 Ascendancy of Light

28 Ascendia Prime

29 Asder Consortium

30 Asper Nasii Commonwealth

31 Astral Syndicate

32 Astralis Majoris

33 Astralium Republic

34 Asylum

35 Athertyon Syndicate

36 Aucturn Stellar Republic

37 Aunatiustia Kingdom

38 Aurora Consortium

39 Aurora Dominion

40 Avian Nation

41 Azea Corporate Dominion

42 Balisaung Zee

43 Bando Fron Dominion

44 Banter of Georso Bonbe

45 Bari Hrainla Coalition

46 Bayles Ancestral Archives

47 Bel Hayms Chancellery

48 Benins Osambwa Starstate

49 Berdantia Commonwealth

50 Bey of Gafendlen

51 Black Pirates

52 Bleh'Ven Ursoid Empire

53 Blets Syndicate

54 Brazbelie Techno-Industrial Conglomerate

55 Brokartury Federation

56 Byzautaus Confederation

57 Canmo Rupa Imperial Monarchy

58 Carado Delegation

59 Casino

60 Celestia Inspirations

61 Celestial Coalition

62 Celestial Empire

63 Celestial Republic

64 Central Nauba

65 Cetesarran Holdfast

66 Chitnaimu Mission

67 Clans of the Belnok Warriors

68 Competition Alpha

69 Confederated Dominion of Cutapu

70 Corals of Simyun Bay

71 Corporation Combined Fleet (CCF)

72 Cosmopolis Federation

73 CosmoTech Directorate

74 Councils of Eria Tuof

75 Crimson Dominion

76 Cyber Starfirst Domain

77 CyberDynamic Techno-Monarchy

78 Daines Technocratic Corporate State

79 Dale of Tyrestia Commons

80 Davis Corps Consortium

81 Defenders of Juggernaut

82 Delaendsco Directorate

83 Delgado Imperial Fastness

84 Demi's Disorder

85 Democratic Federation of Raelmo

86 Dengathan Empire

87 Dens of Semblance

88 Desert Empire of Pangiris

89 Deswew Syndicate

90 Directorate of Xyler

91 Divine Accordance

92 Dolphin Republic of Bhetta Zor

93 Dominion of Shadows

94 Dominion of Solitude

95 Dominion of Starforce

96 Doune Unified Government

97 Drays of Harmaeen Rai

98 Drazin Interstellar Monarchy

99 Druasma Foundhold

100 Edenic Federation

101 Eeski Republic of the Stars

102 Elysium Commune

103 Emelven Continuum

104 Empire of Batagan

105 Empire of the Starfist

106 Empress Lo's Corporate Regency

107 Enterprise

108 Eon Directorate

109 Etherea Majoris

110 Etrigis Sovereignty

111 Faldin Galactic Consensus

112 Fanuvier Coalition

113 Farlight Assembly

114 Federation of Freeholds

115 Federation of Nations

116 Federation of the Stars

117 Federation of Toprus Maa

118 Fes Adikord Mandate

119 Festoon Enterprise

120 Fhargin Republic

121 Fiirwan Territories

122 Firebreath Holdfast

123 Floating Islands Councilry

124 Forests of Jhargettia

125 Foundation Board Group

126 Frafer Thelyon Trade Commonwealth

127 Free Republic of Gaia

128 Free Republic of Unity

129 Freehold States of the Horse Clans

130 Freolnor Star Systems

131 Fynfom Coalition

132 Galactic Coalition of Nations

133 Galactic Dominion

134 Galactic Order

135 Galactic Union

136 Galquepustinea Dominus

137 Ganle Kingdom

138 Gendarsaam Kroot Protectorate

139 Ghyptno Republic

140 Gindiuth Pirates

141 Gingam Zbelistan Alliance

142 Gloryside Cartel

143 Grand Archivists' Accord

144 Grand Duchy of Ilgmor Maersh

145 Great Star Ocean and Maritime Provinces

146 Grocquno Assembly

147 Guimine Corporation

148 Gukugl Federation

149 Haljin Syndicate

150 Halperh Regency of the Desert Realm

151 Harlaeha Corporate Holdings

152 Harmonia IV

153 Harmonic Collective

154 Harmonic Empire

155 Hassz Xer Technate

156 Hatarabaet Yeltopo

157 Helios Consortium

158 Hestimium Republic

159 Hisamin Stellar Republic

160 House of Tymaeer

161 Huangse Lianhua People's Republic (EOM)

162 Hymannis League

163 Hyperion Commonwealth

164 Ia Liereko Federation

165 Ice Chambers of Galsa Prime

166 Ilaosynacal Interstellar Democracy

167 Ilaosynacali Empire

168 Ilisan Fields

169 Imperial Republic of the Dashan Emperor

170 Imperial Resden

171 InterGalactic Group

172 Interstellar Syndicate

173 Io Sei (EOM)

174 Iolphaihei Palatinate

175 Iqsa Alliance

176 Iremoa Centrality

177 Iryan Confederacy

178 Janastian Warhawks

179 Jennifer's Flowers

180 Jeys Nation State Alliance

181 Jiezi Consortium of Planets

182 Jinga Asharhaddon Associated States

183 Joohauug Mandate

184 Juikili Tri-State

185 Juszixter Federation

186 Kaawynda Consortium

187 Keeninu Coalition

188 Kekuh Coalescent States

189 Kenoand Lorr Republic

190 Khstanma Sovereignty

191 Kiliad Kils Republic

192 Kingdom of Kalkidan Farreach

193 Kingdom of Neand Vor

194 Kingdom of Pana-Roy

195 Kingdom of Rislo

196 Kingdom of Terew Do

197 Knaimkasi Commonwealth

198 Kosta Democratic Union

199 Kotri Technate

200 Lainea Republic

201 Lanjo Visnianei Corporate States

202 Lasz Derwer Regency

203 Lasz Xodo Directorate

204 Launiueuxem Federation

205 League of Warriors

206 Lecai Zeador Confederacy

207 Lei Otnenan Standing

208 Leik Ju Commonwealth

209 Lendro Sek Dominion

210 Lenewba Kingdom

211 Lestanchi Collective

212 Liidium Empire

213 Lion and Cougar

214 Living Trees Protectorate

215 Lizegerkme Kingdom

216 Llipidiso Amalwen Protectorate

217 Lop Mennar Star Association

218 Lucifer's Hammer

219 Luig Manoog Pirates

220 Luiguy Hajh Coalition

221 Luminous Empire

222 Lum's Worlds

223 Lychiia Coalition

224 MachineMost Institution


226 Mages of Naeth Forest

227 Maniskam Provinces

228 Mathenia Corporate Association

229 Mengsanna Ru Planetary Union

230 Mercantile Consortium

231 Mesadegag Knights

232 Mingus Assembly

233 Nababru Conquest

234 Naumaar Chandte Republic

235 Neagarana Flow

236 Nelson's Rogue Planet

237 Neneth Kan Commonwealth

238 Neo-Genesis Collective

239 Nepitsai Commonwealth

240 New Eden Republic

241 New Terra Regency

242 Nexus Syndicate

243 Niathernuza Federacy

244 Niatune Commons

245 Nijedlaossta Technocratic Syndicate

246 Nine Kells

247 Northamber Bard

248 Nounuk Celestial Syndicate

249 Nova Celestia

250 Novus Alliance

251 Nui Saa Bastion

252 Nwelmos Grand Magocracy

253 Ocean's Gate

254 Orcas Sacra

255 Oryticbu Archivists

256 Oszenzo Rheggis Domain

257 Othmend Directorate

258 Othversin Limited State

259 Pagonis Madaris

260 Palatinate of Iigers Krom

261 Palitib Sovereign Commonwealth

262 Pamargo Union of the Stars

263 Pandorsee Dynasty

264 Pan-Galactic Consortium

265 Pan-Techno Starstate

266 Pan-Unity Coalition

267 Paradise

268 Pataram Accord

269 Peisal Enclave

270 Peteten Federation

271 Phezuhoe Federated States

272 Phoenix Syndicate

273 Pilgrimage

274 Pingsan Fu Union

275 Pirates of the Sisterhood

276 Plutocratic Union

277 Pos Ellos Democracy

278 Potaal Unity

279 Pretpolh Pantomine

280 Primlaku Planetary Order

281 Provinces of Magellan

282 Puhere Stellar Collective

283 Pulic Dominion

284 Pulsar Commonwealth

285 Pun Ja-bar Directorate

286 Pyroclast Dominion

287 Qarsewd Anarchic Starstate

288 Qedgul Consortium

289 Qiuzin Stellar Republic

290 Quantum Syndicate

291 Queandi Conclave

292 Quomsheh Assemblies

293 Radiant Ascendancy

294 Rals Republic

295 Ran Parganon Holdings

296 Randorfa People's Collective

297 Rania

298 Raqni Maroc Stellar Republic

299 Rassaintia Union

300 Ratelluik Techno-Communal Autocracy

301 Ratnuh Holdfast

302 Ravisz Reegs Battalion

303 Republic of Lere Bucen

304 Republic of Ticwanrirede

305 Resplendent Star Orchestra

306 Ringers of Thalumm Society

307 Rkmevo Expanse

308 Rockwise Asteroid Protectorate

309 Roeqoom Stellar Holdings

310 Ron Parson's Financial Holdings

311 Royal Starrealm

312 Rue Aponayre Kingdom

313 Sacred Star Empire

314 Sahlem Interstellar Federation

315 Salxia Union

316 Sambiun Union

317 Sanctus Omega

318 Scelfir Consortium

319 Schadrek Star Group

320 Scimpoth Systems

321 Scollonia Planetary Cooperative

322 Selenium Realm of the Stars

323 Sentient Symbiosis Combine

324 Seraphic Republic

325 Seraphis Prime

326 Serenea Minoris

327 Shadowfen Commonwealth

328 Shakey Moore's Stardrome

329 Shayand Terlan Federation

330 Siaameba Ascendancy

331 Siato Confederal Republic

332 Siva Neratcood

333 Snemqok Consortium

334 Solar Republic

335 Solara Nova

336 Solr Grant Academic Institution

337 Solrs Democratic Federation

338 Sosy Tem Royal Estates

339 Sovereignty of Daverdetu

340 Sraslen Commonwealth

341 Stanna Prime

342 Star City Star Ring

343 Star Reaches Republic

344 Star Republic of Hartin

345 Star Sovereignty

346 Star Traders Legation

347 Star Warriors of the Virand Expanse

348 Starclad Ambassadorial Ascendancy

349 Starforce Legion

350 Starhaven Union

351 Starlight Hegemony

352 Stellar Conclave

353 Stellar Confederation

354 Stellar Directorate

355 Stellar Dominion

356 Stellar Empire of Prothyn

357 Sternkia Lucan

358 Strisek Provinces

359 Subaas Star Republic

360 Sultanate of Ikrim Mohajara

361 Suraghudo Federacy

362 Svalmo Federation

363 Sverderaq Empire

364 Swaal-Baran Eternal Empire

365 Swaskuohae Cometary Republic

366 Swehco Legates

367 Tabii'rtha Republic

368 Tageor Sengoi Alliance

369 Ta'Ober Chisnan Technate

370 Tarkand Revolution

371 Techno Nexus

372 Techno Republic

373 Techno-Arcadia Starnation

374 Techno-Industrial Consortium

375 Techno-Organic Collective

376 Tenys Umkuillon Technocracy

377 The AI Society

378 The Compendium

379 The Diamond Republic

380 The Elysium See

381 The Star Engineers

382 Theanqeolo Federation

383 Therndos Federal Republic

384 Thoaw Nuun Imperium

385 Thoemratho Freluches

386 Thor's Hardest Hammer

387 Thrartik Meritocracy

388 Three Civilizations

389 T'nian Federation

390 Tog Assal Union

391 Tov Arcus Coalition

392 Tradylen Generals

393 TransUnion Empire

394 Tribal Realm of Gaia

395 Tribes of Cymaar Cron

396 Tri-Stellar Federation (TSF)

397 Truagnath Democratic Republic

398 Trustees of Solstice Alpha

399 Tsobriaete Collective

400 Tyngling Fey

401 Tzersacame Federation

402 Union of Planets

403 Union of Spies

404 Union of the Corporate Imperium

405 United Celestial Federation

406 United Planets of Duumuth Fufliu

407 United Starports Alliance

408 Unity Collective

409 Unity Interstellar Federation

410 Ursheohi Coalition

411 Ursoid League

412 Ustrang Jabis Syndicate

413 Utopian Federation

414 Van Aren Empire

415 Vandorsin Republic

416 Varfelluim Plutocratic Hegemony

417 Verasan Binimi Associated States

418 Veratrax Arms

419 Verdant Collective

420 Verdant Commonwealth

421 Veridia

422 Veridiana Alpha

423 Veroserian Dominion

424 Vexl Csziers Diplomatic Union

425 Viachon Empire

426 Void Sovereignty

427 Walls of the Marble Knights

428 Washandra Wizim Confederation

429 Wayra Illuminated Republic

430 Whelteej Tetrachy

431 Whiteforce Star Legion

432 Whurstihi Territories

433 Wothambra League

434 Wriknuu Technate

435 Wu-Branyon Coalition

436 Xalta Star Assembly

437 Xylerian Ascendancy

438 Xylminis Council of Delegates

439 Yagaroso Corporate Chambers

440 Yantella Republic

441 Yevgeni InterStellar Syndicate

442 Yi-Pang Techno-States

443 Y-Yanis Empire

444 Zaccamanus Dominion

445 Zamwan Republic

446 Zenithia Domains and Farqwuy Kingdoms

447 Zifoa Assembly

448 Ziitormin Storms

449 Ziti Rogis Federated States

450 Zsino'xie Coalition

451 Zsisau Mennan Empire

452 Zuilshan Empire

453 Zuumleag Satrapy

454 Zuy Tenh Dominion


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