Cloud Empire of Thoth

Starnation: Cloud Empire of Thoth  

Number of Planets: 1 (Organtulus V, Gas Giant)

Capital City: Anbril (formerly Fairview 5)

Government: Meritocratic Guild Oligarchy  

Population: 300,000 (60% miners and their families, 40% new arrivals, remote workers, and professionals)

History, Customs, and Culture:

The Cloud Empire of Thoth traces its origins back nearly 300 years when the first gas miners established a solitary platform to extract valuable gases from the dense clouds of Organtulus V. As the operation expanded, miners’ families and more residential platforms sprang up, leading to the growth of a substantial colony. However, 180 years ago, these miners, dissatisfied with corporate control, declared independence and renamed their home platform "Anbril", now the capital city of the Cloud Empire. After a hard-fought four-year struggle, the corporations that had once controlled the platforms relinquished their hold, and the newly-formed Cloud Empire of Thoth was recognized by several galactic nations.

Today, over 100 platforms circle Organtulus V, home to a population of miners, industrial workers, their families, and new settlers seeking opportunities. The cloud cities are a marvel, suspended in the atmosphere by advanced gravity control and thrust systems that keep them afloat above the planet's volatile and toxic clouds. These platforms are not only functional but aesthetically striking, with long promenades that snake through the roiling clouds, offering spectacular views of the planet’s endless beauty. The atmospheric phenomena, such as the radiant "light horizon", create breathtaking displays, making the Empire not just a center of industry but also a potential destination for tourism.

The people of Thoth are industrious, valuing hard work, self-reliance, and persistence. The miners, often seen as the backbone of the Empire, take pride in their labor, and the culture reflects a strong ethic of resilience and ingenuity. Children are treated with care, and there is a strong belief in preparing the next generation to carry on the Empire’s traditions of innovation and hard work. On their three days off each week, the miners are known to blow off steam, particularly in the many bars and gathering spots that dot the platform-"Work hard, play hard" is a motto well embodied in the culture of Thoth.


The Cloud Empire of Thoth operates as a Meritocratic Guild Oligarchy, reflecting the values of its mining origins and the unique circumstances of life on a gas giant. Governance is led by the Council of Platforms, composed of representatives from each of the Empire's guilds—most prominently the Mining Guild, which still holds significant influence but shares power with other critical sectors such as Manufacturing, Technology, and Infrastructure Development. Representation within the Council is not inherited or purchased but earned based on merit and experience within the sector, ensuring that those with the most knowledge and skill guide the Empire’s direction.

To ascend to leadership positions, individuals must prove their capability through years of service and demonstrated expertise, particularly in hands-on work. For example, every station police officer must have served as a miner for at least four years, ensuring that those in positions of authority truly understand the life and values of the people they protect. This structure fosters efficiency and mutual respect, as leadership is seen as a duty earned, not a privilege granted.

The President, currently Tagus Membren, is elected to a 5-year term by the Council of Platforms and is primarily responsible for setting broader strategic goals for the Empire. President Membren is in his third year and has garnered widespread support for his vision of expanding the Cloud Empire beyond gas mining to become a hub of tourism, retail, and business. His efforts to attract new corporations and residents have led to rapid expansion, with new residential and commercial platforms being developed across Organtulus V. 

The Meritocratic Guild Oligarchy ensures that governance is rooted in competence and hard-earned knowledge, respecting the rights of all citizens while placing a strong emphasis on productivity and industriousness. The government values efficiency and order, with minimal bureaucracy, while still respecting human rights and allowing for free enterprise.

Primary Trade Goods:

The primary trade goods of the Cloud Empire are the valuable gases mined from the clouds of Organtulus V, including helium-3, culatus-1, oxygen, nitrogen, voresemameem and xenon, crucial for energy production and high-tech manufacturing across the galaxy. Additionally, the Empire is renowned for its production of mining equipment, industrial machinery, and robotics, exporting cutting-edge technology not only for gas mining but also for broader industrial applications.

The Empire’s expansion into new markets under the guidance of President Membren has sparked interest in tourism, with the stunning natural beauty of Organtulus V’s clouds and the vibrant cultural life on the platforms offering a unique experience for travelers. The bars and social hubs of Thoth have developed a reputation for being some of the most lively and entertaining in the sector, attracting a new wave of curious visitors.

Current Domestic Policies:

The Cloud Empire is primarily focused on expansion and economic diversification. While gas mining remains the cornerstone of the economy, the government is investing heavily in attracting new industries and increasing the number of residential and commercial platforms. The Meritocratic Guild Oligarchy ensures that the rights of citizens are respected, with a focus on hard work and self-reliance as guiding principles.

There is a strong focus on education, particularly in mining technologies, engineering, and industrial automation, with apprenticeship programs linked directly to the Empire's industries. There are also subsidies for businesses looking to innovate in robotics and gravity control technologies. Local police forces, drawn from the community itself, ensure that law and order are maintained, and there is a deep respect for personal property and rights.

Each platform operates with a high degree of autonomy under its own local council, allowing for flexibility in governance based on the needs and culture of individual platforms. However, the Council of Platforms and the President oversee any Empire-wide policies, ensuring consistency across the nation.

Political and Foreign Policy Implications:

The Cloud Empire of Thoth maintains a generally neutral stance in foreign affairs, relying on eight off-world corporations to provide military security. These corporations are responsible for protecting platforms from external threats, monitoring space-bound traffic, managing immigration, and ensuring the safety of cargo entering and exiting the Empire. This system allows the Empire to focus on its internal development and economic growth without the need for a traditional military.

President Membren’s vision of the Cloud Empire as a business and tourism hub has led to an increase in diplomatic ties with other starnations, and the Empire has begun to position itself as a center of interstellar commerce. With growing external interest in its mining technologies, robotics, and now its burgeoning tourism industry, the Cloud Empire is expanding its influence while remaining true to its meritocratic, hard-working roots.


The Cloud Empire does not have a standing military of its own but relies on contracted security forces from eight off-world corporations. These forces, known for their expertise in interstellar security, maintain garrisons on the platforms, scaled to the size of the platform’s population. Their primary responsibility is to defend against external threats, regulate immigration, and oversee space-bound traffic, as well as ensuring that customs and cargo inspections run smoothly.


The Cloud Empire of Thoth is a thriving and rapidly expanding gas giant starnation, based on hard work, resilience, and the ingenuity of its miners. Its Meritocratic Guild Oligarchy reflects the values of competence, independence, and industriousness, while still respecting human rights and free enterprise. With President Tagus Membren at the helm, the Cloud Empire is expanding into new territories, attracting tourism and business investment, and transforming from a gas-mining colony into a key player in interstellar commerce.

8 day weeks, 19.5 standard hours per day

Maf: Starfleet Battles


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